Welcome to my GSOC Blog Post

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As a contributor in the Google Summer of Code, 2023 Program, I contributed to the International Neuroinformatics Coordinating Facility (INCF) organization where I worked on the Analysim Platform

AnalySim is a data sharing platform where users can simplify the visualization of datasets. Users can collaborate together and share their data with the world, or browse through our multiple projects related to data science, data analysis and research.

Check out some of the features of Analysim

Create Your Own Project

Create your own project and share your ideas

Browse Through Projects

Get inspired and collaborate on others users projects

Host Your Datasets

Get Access to an online storage system where you can store your datasets in a file system manager

Browse Through Your Datasets

Interact with your CSV Datasets through sort, filter, and extraction of sub-datasets

Visualize Your Datasets

Visualize your datasets through multiple in-built and user-defined visualizations

Integrate Your Code Through Notebooks

Integrate and interact with notebooks in your project

Enhance Your Projects

Your one stop solution to data collaboration

Check out how our platform works

Features 01
Visualize with ease

Checkout how we can easily visualize data in Analysim

Analysim provides more than five inbuilt visualizations, so that you can easily visualize your data with a few simple clicks

  • Select how you want to visualize your data from over five inbuilt visualizations
  • Visualize any column in your dataset
  • Get access to 1-D, 2-D and 3-D visualizations to get insights that suit your needs
Features 01
Store and extract with ease

Store your datasets in our platform

Store your datasets in an organized structure through our inbuilt file system manager

  • Store any file you want
  • Visualize your CSV datasets in a tabular form
  • Apply filters, sort your data, and extract new data from your datasets
Features 01
Integrate your code

Integrate your notebooks in our platform

Create, store and visualize your notebooks in our platform

  • Store any kind of notebook in an organized file system manager
  • Integrate Observable notebooks in our platform
  • Enhance data ineractivity by passing datasets as URLS in a notebook

Meet some of my Mentors and Collaborators

I would like to thank my mentors, collaborators, INCF and the Google Summer of Code Program for this opportunity

Dr. Cengiz Gunay was my mentor throughout this project. He was vey supportive throughout the entire phase. His experience and knowledge as a software engineer and researcher in computational neuroscience, and his mentorship were invaluable as it gave me a very clear direction on how I should implement my project goals.
Dr. Cengiz Gunay - LinkedIn
Dr. Anca Doloc-Mihu mentorship was essential in the front-end side of the project. While I was not mentored directly by her, she mentored my co-collaborator, by mentoring and guiding in the development of intuitive and user-friendky interfaces for the platform.
Dr. Anca Doloc-Mihu - LinkedIn
Raja was my co-collaborator in this project. We collaborated to build the front-end side of Analysim. He was very supportive throughout this project. He built and enahnced the front-end of many components in Angular. I really enjoyed participating in code reviews, meetings and discussions regarding the project. I look forward to collaborating with him more in this project.
Pon Raja Prabhu S K - LinkedIn

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